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About the program

MSU Denver is one of 12 institutions nationwide to receive funding from the Hawkins grant, which aims to support potential teachers from historically under-served populations by expanding teacher-preparation programs.

An African-American male teacher works with two Elementary school children at a desk.MSU Denver will use a portion of the grant to provide 15 scholarships per semester to paraprofessionals working in Denver Public Schools Designated Qualifying Schools where more than 70% of students are eligible for free and reduced lunch and over 80% “minority” population (per Colorado Department of Education).

Scholarships are for potential MSU Denver School of Education students with historically under-served identities (i.e. students who identify as racially/ethnically diverse, LGBTQ, first-generation college students, and/or students with disabilities).

Scholarship Eligibility

Scholarships amounts are based on a sliding scale (depending on number of credits per semester)​. To qualify for a scholarship, students must declare interest in a School of Education undergraduate major on their MSU Denver application.​

To receive the Bilingual Specialist amount, students must declare interest in a School of Education undergraduate major on their application and enroll in a Bilingual Education Specialist course taught in Spanish.


Credits per semester Education major only Education major + bilingual specialist
6 to 8 $500 $1,000
9 to 11 $1,550 $2,000
12 to 14 $2,500 $3,250
15 to 18 $3,200 $3,950

Scholarship requirements

  • Minimum 2.5 grade point average (GPA)​
  • Complete the FASFA/CASFA
  • Two recommendations (peer and school/district leader)​
  • Commitment to preparing for the Praxis exam​
  • Participate in a virtual/online interview
  • Employed as a paraprofessional at a Qualifying DPS School

Scholarship Application Components

  • Apply to MSU Denver and indicate an interest in School of Education
  • Complete and upload an essay answering 5 specific short-answer questions
  • Upload two recommendations; one from a peer, one from a supervisor/leader
  • Complete a short series of multiple choice questions

Check out the slide deck from our Hawkins Scholarship presentation below for more information.

Apply for the Hawkins Scholarship

Open the application link to read more about the specific application requirements and prepare to submit your application soon!



Dr Andy Thyrring

Interim Executive Director, Office of Education Solutions, SOE​​